Compound Grouping Service for High Throughput Screening
Screening libraries you want how you want
Screening projects generally demand the supply of many screening compounds from numerous suppliers and consolidating this supply into an appropriate, project or departmental related housing format.
Interchim have over 30 years experience in supplying the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology industries worldwide, with consolidated shipments of screening compounds from manufacturers across the globe.
The service is welcomed by many companies as it reduces their logistical headaches in obtaining quotations for compounds from numerous manufacturers and, with a single shipment within the chemist´s required format, screening projects are simplified.
Interchim supply, as standard, screening compounds in either vials, or 2D-datamatrix coded capped tubes in 96-well plates. However screening compounds can also be delivered in any commercial format the client requires, i.e. bar-coded vials, other 96-well plates etc.
The compounds can be weighed in either milligrams, or millimoles.