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INTERFINE CHEMICALS > Chemicals > Drug Discovery Sourcing

Drug Discovery Sourcing

Entrust experts with your fine and rare chemical purchases.

You wish to source a fine chemical: Cube_Sourcing_Interchim_0421
  • listed in the ACD database or in another database.
  • which is not on the market or is no longer manufactured.
  • in a larger quantity than that included in standard catalogues.
 Using basic information, such as molecular structure, C.A.S number, Product description, MFCD number, Interchim will activate its Sourcing service.

This service offers unique expertise, forged from 50 years of experience and partnerships with the largest and most specialised manufacturers the worldwide.

An internal supplier evaluation ensures optimum reliability.

It is supplemented by InterSearch™, an internal database listing more than 1.5 million items.

Within 3 days, we will provide you with the best comprehensive proposal representing the best compromise in terms of price, lead time and source reliability.

Optimise your chemical purchases by entrusting them to EXPERTS

A reliable and efficient process, enabling you to focus on more important matters: your RESEARCH
Interchim offers end-to-end support for your projects:
    Sourcing process   Customers´ benefits   Interchim´s tools
Button_1_Interchim_0220   • Analysis & Diagnosis of Customer´s requirement
• Sourcing of potential Suppliers
  • Reduction in hidden costs
• No need to subscribe
to external databases
  • Internal database & Intersearch
• External databases
Button_2_Interchim_0220   • Consultation of the potential Suppliers   • Time gained
• Financial gain
  • Suppliers audit & classification
• From Black List to 5 stars´ suppliers
250 preps
Button_3_Interchim_0220   • Analysis of most reliable supplier quotes
• Proposal within 48h-72h with best compromise in terms of price / lead time / reliability
  Price proposal reliability  
Button_4_Interchim_0220   • Operational follow-up
• We take care of all the logistic side of your order
  Utmost simplifation
of procedures
  • "Customer care"
• 50 years´ logistic expertise

Resources at your disposal

  • Intersearch™: more than 1 500 000 items
    and 7 000 Interchim’s Building Blocks including 1 200 in stock.
  • e-Chem Search structure-based searche database accessible.  
  • If no source can be found for your product,
    Interchim provides its Customer synthesis service
    (quantities ranging from mg to kg).
Visuel50ans_Interchim_0421 VisuelEvaluation_Interchim_0421 VisuelSuivi_Interchim_0421 VisuelTransport_Interchim_0421
50 years of experience
in the sourcing
of fine chemicals 
Internal supplier evaluation 
Scoring out of 250 points

Personalised monitoring
of each request   
All the logistics of your order
• Interface with supplier
• Shipping & customs
• Carrier traceability


  Products highlight
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                Interchim | 211 Bis avenue J.F. Kennedy | 03100 Montluçon FRANCE |
              Phone: +33 4 70 03 88 55 |