C18 / C18XS / C18AQ / RPAQ / Selection guide


Reusable columns

Non-polar organic compounds

IR - irregular
60Å - 450m2/g
40/63 µm
Bonding: C18
%C: 20
End-capping: one-step
pH stability: 1.5 to 7.0

Serves a broad-ship of purification requirements for mid to non polar compounds.

HP - spherical
60Å - 500m2/g
15, 30 & 50 µm
End-capping: one-step
pH stability: 1.5 to 7.5

Serves many pharmaceutical applications.
The high bonding density of C18 facilitiates purification of mid and non polar compounds.
HQ - spherical
100Å - 400m2/g
15 µm
End-capping: multi-step
pH stability: 1.5 to 8.0

HPLC quality for difficult purification Rs < 1.5.
HC - spherical
60Å - 680m2/g
15 & 30µm
End-capping: multi-step
pH stability: 1.5 to 7.5

The high surface area improves drastically the loading capacity.


Reusable columns

Non-polar organic compounds
Basic Drugs at high pH

HP - spherical
60Å - 500m2/g
15 & 30 µm
End-capping: one-step
pH stability: 1.0 to 10.0

The proprietary multi-step bonding technology guarantees a fully
end-capped phase, stable under basic pH conditions up to pH: 10.
It’s an excellent phase for the integral purification of basic drugs.


Reusable columns

Mid-polar organic compounds
100% water compatible

HP - spherical
60Å - 500m2/g
15 & 30 µm
End-capping: one-step hydrophilic
pH stability: 2.0 to 7.5

The bonding chemistry allow to start gradient with 100% of water.
Suitable for the purification of mid and non polar compounds.


Reusable columns

mid-polar organic compounds
100% water compatible

HP - spherical
60Å - 500m2/g
15 & 30 µm
Bonding: n.a.
End-capping: one-step hydrophilic
pH stability: 1.5 to 7.5

The bonding chemistry allow to start gradient with 100% of water.
Suitable for the purification of high and mid polar compounds.
Compare to C18. peaks are elutes earlier from the beginning of the gradient.

C18 columns selection guide