Reusable columns

Cationic charged & basic organic compounds

HP - spherical
300Å - 100m2/g
50 µm
Bonding:Strong Cation eXchanger - 0.3 meq/g
End-capping: no
pH stability: 1.0 to 7.5

Strong cation exchanger, SCX contains sulfonic acid that are used to extract weak basic compounds which have one or more positive charges.

Reusable columns

Cationic charged & basic organic compounds

60Å - 500m2/g
50 µm
Bonding:Strong Cation eXchanger - 0.1 meq/g
End-capping: no
pH stability: 1.0 to 7.5

Ion exchange and hydrophobic chains are bonded onto the surface of silica providing unique selectivity.
Initially compounds that possess basic functionality are retained by ion exchange functionality. A washing step with an appropriate pH removes ionizable impurities. Passing an organic solvent through the column will then remove retained impurities that result from hydrophobic bonding.