Reusable columns

Carbohydrates / polar organics compounds / anion & organic acids
Metal scavenger for acid chlorides, isocyanantes…

HP - spherical
100Å - 400m2/g
30 & 50 µm
End-capping: one-step
pH stability: 2.0 to 6.5

Can be either weak anion exchangers for strong acids or polar media that can interact with OH, NH, SH ...
HP - spherical
60Å - 680m2/g
30 & 50 µm
End-capping: n.a.
pH stability: 1.5 to 6.5

Greater capacity vs regular amino due to its high surface area.
Strong basic organic compounds.


Reusable columns

Charged polar organics compounds, anions
& organic acids.

60Å - 500m2/g
50 µm
%C: n.a.
End-capping: n.a.
pH stability: n.a.

Secondary amino is a weak anion exchanger with pKa : 10.5.


Reusable columns

Anionic charged & acid organic compounds

60Å - 500m2/g
50 µm
Bonding:Strong Anion eXchanger - 0.3meq/g
End-capping: no
pH stability: 1.5 to 7.0

Strong anion exchanger, SAX contains quaternary amine used to extract weak acid compounds which have one or more negative charges.

Technical Tips

1. To catch
Anions Exchange : pKa of the compound of interest < pH < pKa of the sorbent
Cations Exchange : pKa of the sorbent < pH < pKa of the compound of interest

2. To release
Anions Exchange : pKa of the sorbent < pH < pKa of the compound of interest
Cations Exchange : pKa of the compound of interest < pH < pKa of the sorbent

(Typical Ionic sorbent : SCX, SAX, MM1, DEAP, NH2, NH2HC)